Thoracic Breathing

Thoracic breathing uses the middle area of the lungs by expanding and contracting the ribcage. It consumes more energy than abdominal breathing in exchange of air and is thus associated with physical exercise, exertion, stress and tension. It is generally the tendency of many to regulate thoracic breathing all the time and even in the situation of stress and anxiety. In itself thoracic breathing is not good as it consumes lot of energy but when combined with abdominal breathing it helps the body in obtaining more oxygen. Being in thoracic breathing all the time leads to a bad breathing habits and continued tension.

Understanding Thoracic breathing:

  • Come in a relaxing position either sitting or lie down in shavasana.
  • Observe the spontaneous breath without disturbing it.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply through the chest muscles feeling the movement of the ribcage.
  • As you inhale expand the chest as much as possible.
  • Exhale by relaxing the chest muscles feeling the ribcage contracting and forcing the air out of the lungs.
  • Continue thoracic breathing for few minutes without using the diaphragm, pausing slightly after each inhalation and exhalation.
  • Relax any effort and once again start observing the natural breath.
  • Bring awareness back to the physical body and the surroundings and gently open the eyes.

Although Clavicular breathing is not good but the idea to understand it is solely to be aware when we are in thoracic breathing and combine it with abdominal breathing to make it beneficial for us.

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