Yoga for Beginners in First Trimester of Pregnancy

The category of beginners apply to those ladies who are not regular yoga practitioner and have just started the practice only for their pregnancy. Their body may show a lot of stiffness and because of this the beginners may be apprehensive in the beginning. This is the reason why the beginners should take it slow and steady throughout each term. The sequence of postures mentioned in this article is mild and encouraging. There would be use of certain props in various postures to increase the comfort level and safety for the practicing woman. This would make the yogasanas effortless and even the first timers will be at ease with them.

Sequence of Postures

This is the sequence I myself followed during my pregnancy. What I am mentioning here is based on my personal experience. It is a very mild sequence that takes about half an hour to 1 hour and can be introduced to a pregnant woman from the very beginning.


 Virasana the Hero pose

Veerasana on blockVirasana is the pose of the ‘Vira’ or ‘Hero’ in the sitting position.
Pain and swelling in the leg is a common feature during pregnancy. It can be painful and even restrict the movement. Virasana will relieve such a condition thus giving relief from pain and swelling. Pregnant women can even be fearsome in their yoga practice but this posture, just as it’s name implies, instills courage and confidence in them. This posture is easy to practice during the first trimester and in the later stages you may need to ease it out with props.


– It is a very good starting posture that will re-instill your courage with the ongoing practice
– It will prevent and relieve the swelling and pain from legs
– It prevents fatigue and exhaustion
– Strengthens the spine

>Getting into the posture

– Come up on your knees on the floor
– keeping your knees together, spread your feet little more than your hip distance
– Extend the toes back, soles facing the sky.
– L
ower your buttocks, until they touch the floor.
– To come out of the posture, gently spread your knees,  keep the chest lifted up and bend forward to place your palms on the floor and come on all fours (palms and knees). Straighten the legs backward, one at a time and then gently bring them forward. Continue reading “Yoga for Beginners in First Trimester of Pregnancy”

Yoga can be unsafe during pregnancy

Yoga is a collection of hundreds and thousands of asanas. Each asana has a unique purpose and has maximum effect on a specific body part. Not all asana are same and neither do they work in similar manner. During pregnancy the main concern is the abdomen and the fetus in the womb. Thus the Yoga is performed keeping this in mind.

Identifying unsafe postures during pregnancy

As a general rule, care should be taken to avoid any postures during pregnancy that does the following to you-

  1. Presses the abdomen, like paschimattanasanaNo-paschimottanasana
  2. Twists the abdomen, like most of the twisting postures,ardha-matsyendra-asana
  3. Stretches the abdominal muscle thus applying pressure on the uterus, like ustrasana or chakrasanano-ustrasana during pregnancy
  4. Any posture that makes you anxious, or nervous like shirshasanano-arm-balances
  5. Makes you sweat or increases your heartbeat like doing suryanamaskarSivananda-Style-Surya-Namaskara

Being cautious during pregnancy

Extra care should be taken by women who have specific medical condition like:

  1. Women who’ve had a history of abortions
  2. If your cervix is dilated then you should avoid stretching your pelvic.

Ladies who have never exercised before and have lot of stiffness in the body, should go slow and make sure to be easy on themselves. If you have chosen to practice yoga for a healthy pregnancy, then seek advice from your doctor and practice yoga under the guidance of experienced yoga teacher.

A pregnant woman is the best judge of her own condition. In case there is even an iota of doubt of practicing a particular posture, then avoid it completely.